Turtle Bay Garden Nursery
Open to the Public
Wednesday - Saturday
9am - 1pm
1100 Arboretum Drive
Redding, California
View Inventory >
The Spring Plant Sale is Coming Soon!
It’s time to get your garden growing! Our Spring Plant Sale is back, featuring our ever-popular heirloom vegetables, drought-tolerant perennials, shrubs, trees, California natives, and more—all grown right here at Turtle Bay Nursery and acclimated to Redding’s climate. These plants sell out fast, so don’t miss your chance!
Members Night Sale: Friday, April 4 | 4pm– 7pm
Public Sale: Saturday, April 5 | 9am – 3pm
Turtle Bay members get 30% off all plants! Not a member? Sign up at the gate and save!
Turtle Bay Nursery offers California natives, Mediterranean-climate zone species, ornamental grasses, and locally adapted perennials for purchase to the public.
All of our plants are propagated on-site! We grow drought-tolerant plants that survive and thrive in our area.
Plants That Thrive in Our Climate
Regular Plant Prices
Regular Plant Prices
4” Veggie $5.00
4” Perennial $7.00
1 gallon - $12.00
2 gallon - $18.00
5 gallon - $30.00
15 gallon $45.00
Turtle Bay Members
Always Get 20% off!
Turtle Bay Members
Always Get 20% off!
Charlie Rabbit & Friends
Get out your wiggles and have a ton of fun at Turtle Bay’s Gardens (or Greenhouse if it rains)! Charlie Rabbit features gardening and nature activities for young children, their siblings, parents and grandparents. Remember to wear your favorite gardening clothes!
We Recycle Used Pots
Give a new plant the gift of life by donating your black gardening pots!
Stop by during our open hours, and we will happily accept your recycled black pot to use in our Nursery.
FREE Guided Garden Walks
Bring your notebooks, cameras, and gardening questions for this FREE participant-driven program. As we stroll through the Gardens, you will learn more about all of the flourishing plants along the way.
Be sure to stop by the Nursery to shop for some plants of your own! Gardens West Gate: 1155 Arboretum Drive, Redding, CA, 96003
Contract Growing For Your Project
We specialize in growing drought-tolerant and California-native plants. Ask us about growing larger quantities of plants for your upcoming planting project or garden site.
Look at our inventory list for the plants we typically grow
Contact us at gardens@turtlebay.org for more information
We look forward to helping make your plantings a success!
Gardening Questions? Email us or fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!